About / Who We Are

Why Christian Education?

The choice you make for your children’s education shapes them academically, spiritually, and in their worldview and skills. At Christian schools, the faculty and staff are equipped to address each of these developing areas of a child’s life. These schools take seriously the responsibility to develop children’s minds, but they don’t distance God from academics. They know that developing skills in young people is essential to helping them reach their God-given potential.

  1. Intentional character formation
  2. The Bible is taught 
  3. Christian schools share your moral values 
  4. Every teacher models Christian principles
  5. Curriculum is aligned with Christian values 
  6. Prayer is part of the school day 
  7. Safety 
  8. Individual attention and differentiated instruction 
  9. Positive peer pressure is in the majority
  10. Whole Child Development  

Statement of Faith

Shawnee Nazarene Academy Logo

Shawnee Nazarene Academy stands without apology for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, without any denominational emphasis, and for the highest standards of morality and Christian behavior. We endeavor to join with you to impart a Christian heritage by emphasizing love for God and His creation, respect for oneself and others, and responsibility for healthy lifestyle choices. We pledge to you that our dedication and abilities will be used to the utmost to help each child develop to their highest potential. In biblical teaching, SNA will use the Apostles’ Creed as its framework.

The Apostles Creed

We believe in God, the Father almighty, (Isaiah 44:6, 45:5)
creator of heaven and earth. (Gen 1:1, John 1:1-3, Acts 14:15)

We believe in Jesus Christ, (Luke 2:11, John 20:28)
His only Son, (John 3:16)
our Lord, (John 20:28)
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35)
and born of the virgin Mary. (Luke 1:27)
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, (Luke 23:23-25)
was crucified,(John 19:20; Acts 4:10) died, (I Corinth 15:3)
and was buried. (I Corinth 15:4)
He descended to hell. (1 Peter 3:18, Luke 23:43)
On the third day He rose again from the dead. (I Corinth 15:4, Matt 28:1, 5-10)
He ascended to heaven (Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51, Acts 1:11)
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. (Mark 16:19, Heb 1:3)
From there he will come to judge the living and the dead. (II Tim 4:1, John 5:22)

We believe in the Holy Spirit, (John 15:26, 16:7-8, 13-14, Acts 13:2)
the holy apostolic church, (Gal 3:26-29)
the communion of saints, (Rev 19:14, Heb 10:25)
the forgiveness of sins, (Luke 7:48)
the resurrection of the body, (I Thess 4:16, John 6:39)
and the life everlasting. (John 10:28, 17:2-3)


Shawnee Nazarene Academy, partnering with like-minded families, offers a Christ-centered education equipping students for a life of service that glorifies God and eternally impacts the world.

Shawnee Nazarene Academy Logo

Our Vision

SNA will strive to accomplish the following with all individuals who become a part of our community:

Form a partnership with parents to establish for their children a Biblical worldview.

Help train up a generation of Godly leaders who love learning and are sought after for their wisdom.

Prepare students to live up to their God-given potential spiritually, academically, physically, and socially.

A Letter from the Principal

Dear Families,

We are excited to share more about Shawnee Nazarene Academy, a school born out of a deep desire to support families and provide an affordable alternative to traditional public and homeschool education. Our Kindergarten through Eighth Grade program is designed to foster a sense of community and leadership among students, creating a safe and supportive environment where children can grow together.

At SNA, students embark on a unique journey of learning that not only focuses on academic success but also nurtures their spiritual growth through a Biblically based curriculum. We are committed to ensuring every child is known, respected, and challenged to reach their fullest potential.

Our program incorporates daily physical education, hands-on learning experiences, and activities that keep students active and engaged throughout the school day. These elements create a dynamic, fun, and creative environment where learning thrives.

Thank you for considering Shawnee Nazarene Academy as a partner in your child’s educational and spiritual journey. Together, we can help them grow into confident, capable leaders who embrace their potential.


Nancy Shonamon, MEd
Founder of Shawnee Nazarene Academy and Principal
Shawnee Nazarene Academy

Nancy Shonamon MEd

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